Consulting first

To avoid risks from potential failure in the future, we at Rockapps understand that turning your vision into reality requires careful planning and detailed analysis of the market first.


Digital consulting services includes a well planified verification process, including competitive analysis, user research, product validation, UX/UI audit, and business analysis. By conducting these steps, we aim to maximise the potential of your business and navigate you thru all this jurney together.

Why do we need this?

Clarify objects main goals

Advantage over competition

Define the project budget


We clear the unknowns, build a strong tech foundation, customize UX, define the right technology stack and give you a clear project plan and cost.


The Competition Analysis identifies pros and cons of competitors, creating a roadmap for a successful project.

3 days


Gathering insights and feedback from target users to inform the creation of intuitive and user-centric interfaces.

3 days


Product validation requires tests and collects team analysis for best software architecture for your project.

3 days


The UI/UX audit reviews and improves the design of digital products for better user experience.

3 days


This final phase collects all datas from with MoSCoW prioritization, to have crystal clear roadmap of the product.

5 days


Hello, Im Enis, and I’m glad to guide you thru the digital consultation process.

Why Digital Consulting is important for my idea

Digital Consulting is vital for initial ideas as it offers expertise in navigating digital complexities, ensuring informed decisions and strategic positioning for success. This process helps us to maximise the potential of your idea into a successful enterprise.

How much costs the Digital Consulting process

Product research costs vary based on your project’s scope and complexity. We’ll discuss your needs in our initial consultation to provide a clear pricing structure tailored to your requirements and your budget.

How to start Digital Consultation?

It’s very easy, you can directly chat via Whatsapp with one of our project managers, or you can contact us via contact form in Contact page, sharing your idea and any other doc you have in posesion.

How long takes this process

Digital Consulting could take max. 17 working days. Depends on your idea and the documents you provide us in the begining.

Can You start developing without Digital consultation?

We wouldn’t encourage such an action, without even the shortest phase of digital consultation. Even the project is for internal company use, we have still to research for best suitable solution for You.

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Say Hello to us, share and get your next App initial concept for free